It is a worthy list that deserves careful attention from Tommy Thompson, the secretary of health and human services, who requested the academy report.
The academy report also warned, "High space station operating costs could potentially absorb a significant portion of the civilian space budget."
The academy report found that 98 percent of the cancer risk from pesticides came from chemicals registered for use before 1978.
The academy report said that in general "substantial bureaucratic and legal barriers exist" to collaborative efforts with the former Soviet lands.
A display takes a quotation from an academy report that says the time to act is now.
Kellogg's All-Bran was the first to take advantage of the academy report.
White House officials said the academy report would be carefully studied.
An academy report suggested that 44,000 to 98,000 people die each year because of such errors in hospitals alone, more than the toll from highway accidents.
But since the academy report, the latest statement says, those recommendations have not been adopted.
It has now abandoned plans to become an academy, PA report.