Pashtun intellectuals and academics tend to be more flexible and sometimes define who is Pashtun based on other criteria.
Both academics and ordinary citizens tend to value the American colonies to the extent that they anticipate something we recognize as the United States.
Policy makers and academics in the West tend to be more concerned with the brotherhood's views of Hamas than with its understanding of Shariah.
Legal academics tend to emphasize the legal doctrines, while political scientists tend to explore the workings of the system, and the people who man it.
Foremost, probably, is a discomfort academics tend to feel in the presence of a plangent sentimentality like Puccini's.
The article asserts that "many academics and progressives tend to find Sax's views stereotyped and infuriating".
In the U.K. academics tend to be denigrated.
In practice, academics tend to use the Perpetuity Growth Model, while investment bankers favor the Exit Multiple approach.
Applied analysts make great use the psychobiography, while academics tend to analyze transcriptions in search of traits and character clues.
At first, most academics tended not to believe that the Plan could succeed.