It is true that academic stars sometimes raise an institution's rankings, but only for a year or so.
In addition, according to other educators, bringing in foreign academic "stars" actually helps many American teachers climb through the ranks more quickly.
The former altar boy was an academic star and president of his high school class.
How, given such a history, could she have become an academic star, a successful novelist and a wife and mother?
Although Coningham had won a scholarship, he was not an academic star.
So students from low-income families don't have to be basketball stars to get a free college education; they can be academic stars instead.
Shull also lettered two years in baseball and was a four-year academic star.
The study turned him into an academic star.
He wasn't an academic star, but loved to play basketball and compete in track-and-field after school.
And like these other academic stars he has refused to conform, assimilate or show his origins.