The first month had been interesting, from an academic standpoint.
From an academic (and practical) standpoint, however, the current state of Taiwan's legal status is at best ambiguous.
These numbers are interesting from an academic standpoint but honestly, if you are an Apple shareholder do you really care?
However, it is an interesting one, particularly if you're interested in studying traditional country from an academic standpoint.
Both institutions' student bodies tend to mirror one another from a social & academic standpoint.
It was deemed that the third student's denial was constitutional because there seemed to be no effort on his part from an academic standpoint.
"We asked the family in the spring of 1995 for changes that would make the institute more cost-effective from an academic standpoint, but they refused."
I didn't see why they should be interested in our dockyards, other than from a purely academic standpoint.
Agricultural communication is considered a subset of science communication from an academic and professional standpoint.
Many authors once again came to appreciate their language, and scholars studied Frisian from an academic standpoint.