To learn to paint with a brush, the student first had to demonstrate proficiency in drawing, which was considered the foundation of academic painting.
The engagement lasted for 17 years before they were married; all the while she continued her academic paintings and won awards from the Salon.
On one side are maudlin academic paintings and sculptures, mostly of Native Americans.
Her classical, academic painting style offsets the highly imaginative content of her work.
However, his work as a vanguadist artist breaking with the traditional academic painting in Colombia was controversial.
In 19th-century academic painting, light served the subject.
French Impressionism achieved its impact partly by rejecting a tradition of academic painting.
Radicals in their time, early Impressionists violated the rules of academic painting.
The collection focuses on French 19th-century academic painting.
As at Orsay, emphasis is given to academic painting at the cost of advanced art.