Reading is the cornerstone to all academic inquiry and success.
Serious academic inquiries in Korean popular music started in 1984, and continue today.
I'm waiting to see the degree to which the spirit of academic inquiry suffers; the early indications are not good.
The one thing they do have in common is a complete disdain for either academic inquiry or intellectual honesty.
Testing for the cause of women's lower test scores in math is an academic inquiry tainted by political agendas.
It has been the subject of academic inquiry in various fields, including law, public policy, and economics.
Today the university engages in many areas of academic inquiry at the undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels.
Everywhere I turn, liberals are trampling on genuine academic inquiry.
Despite all this research, several avenues of academic inquiry remain unexplored.
No longer a shadowy secret, the Mafia is now an accepted topic of academic inquiry.