Typically, established academics will give presentations on advanced topics in a field to postgraduate students.
Many academics have given commentaries on what they considered to be the main points of Jensen's article and the subsequent books in the early 1970s that expanded on its content.
Semillitas through programming, teach children their first footsteps in academics, such as letters, colors, numbers, etc. giving parents a tool to continue educating their children in Spanish.
But lawyers and legal academics, too, gave unusual significance to those words in Justice Scalia's statement.
Eleven academics gave to the Kerry campaign for every 1 who gave to Bush's.
European journalists and academics are giving huge dollops of attention to a book about Churchill by the historian John Charmley.
Two academics give their views and you can join the debate and share your theory.
Nor had academics given him any solace; owing to the medieval tempo of the bureaucracy, he was still mired in kindergarten-level physics.
Various academics give various definitions of the term.
All these academics gave a great contribution, also at international level, to the Economics and Statistics theory.