Professor Rodney Barker is a British academic and political commentator.
The academic commentators for the show were all believing Muslims, and nary a church/state separationist could be seen protesting this taxpayer-funded propaganda apologetic for another religion.
According to the Supreme Court of Canada in Pushpanathan v. Canada, the concept is "well known to academic commentators".
According to the court, academic commentators have suggested that polycentricity provides "the best rationale for judicial deference to non-judicial agencies".
Max Edwin Teichmann (20 August 1924 - 29 November 2008) was an Australian academic and political commentator.
A few academic commentators have written about this issue, arguing that insiders can make systematically above-market profits by using 10b5-1 plans that they are still able to cancel.
Initially the rule was not viewed with any great significance by either the Commission or academic commentators.
James Zogby (academic, political commentator and pollster)
His most productive years as an academic and social commentator corresponded to the actual relaxation of social barriers that took place in the late 1960s.
They divide academic and journalistic commentators on the topic into three groups: