Prominent leftwing academics from around the world agreed to contribute.
All academics agree that some groups have become problematic and sometimes very problematic; but they disagree over the extent to which new religious movements in general cause harm.
In practice, this is thanks to the fact that academics often establish and agree on other clear working definitions (the focus is to avoid debating words beyond necessity).
However, most academics agree that "Yahweh" is one guess of how to say it, but probably is not correct.
But academics, immigration advocates and Border Patrol agents all agree that the number of women making the trip is on the rise.
Anyone who has experienced how difficult it can be to get academics to agree on anything will be doubly impressed with all that the working group accomplished.
Since 2000, most academics, including biographers such as Joseph Ellis, have agreed with the new consensus.
Not all universities or academics agree.
Securities regulators, traders and academics agree that merger waves lead to more illicit trading on nonpublic information.
The politicians, bureaucrats and academics cannot agree on anything, so how can people feel reassured?