She was married to Nick Townsend (Rob Estes) and later divorced him due to his abusive nature.
He had signed the document on the threat that if he did not comply, Cassie would expose his abusive nature to his congregation.
For instance, parataxic distortion can keep one in denial of the abusive nature of a spouse.
Despite the possible financial issues that could ensue, it is indicated that Elizabeth feels the family might be better off because of Walter's abusive and angry nature.
Congress subsequently outlawed acts "of a harassing, tyrannical, abusive, shameful, insulting or humiliating nature", although hazing continued.
It treats people badly, and something has to be done to change its abusive nature.
Not a hard task, given his abusive nature when drunk, but nevertheless an unpleasant one.
Madonna felt that her marriage to Penn was on the verge of breaking-up, due to Penn's abusive and violent nature.
The marriage dissolved quickly, upon her discovery of his abusive nature.
He became mainly a recluse in his last years, which is thought to be a direct result of Carr's influence and perhaps abusive nature.