The men claimed that abusive comments were made towards them as Jews but a police investigation was unable to sustain the allegations of anti-semitic abuse.
Lord Longford was not above returning abusive comments.
The abusive comments stopped, and Bren looked out over the rows of seats to the bare platform, where a magic transformation was taking place.
The green gargoyles offer advice but generally make abusive comments towards Dan.
Officers also sang lewd songs and shouted abusive comments at female guests, the Marine officer said.
Another concern raised by some staff is that articles can draw abusive comments which actually limit the opportunity to debate, rather than extend it.
Easily accessed through hundreds of telephones around the plant, the paging system became a vehicle for foul language and abusive comments.
A user-based moderation system is employed to filter out abusive comments.
The committee heard today that gangs regularly hurled abusive comments at local people, making an unacceptable level of noise and leaving litter behind them.
The answer was negative in 100% of cases, typically accompanied by abusive comments.