A woman arrives, asking for Shaft to help her, claiming to have an abusive boyfriend.
They spend the night walking around the capital, but she leaves with her abusive boyfriend the following day.
There is the young woman who shot an abusive boyfriend when she was high on methamphetamine.
Melinda soon reveals that she is on the run from an abusive boyfriend, who had tried to kill her.
The couple have two nearly grown-up children: a son about to flunk out of college and a daughter who lives with an abusive boyfriend.
After seeing the baby with his mother and her abusive new boyfriend, Robbie decides to take action.
Some feminists say the proposal may push poor women into marriages with abusive boyfriends.
Over the next four years she built a wall around herself with alcohol, drugs and a series of successively more abusive boyfriends.
And then they started twisting him into being like this abusive evil boyfriend.
Some became more reliant on abusive boyfriends, and reports of domestic violence rose.