General Karpinski has also said that she believed the military police were "coached" in their abusive actions by military intelligence officers.
Consent - trafficking victims are those who have been subjected to coercive, deceptive, or abusive action by traffickers.
Also, in due course the individual soldiers involved in confirmed acts of antisemitism did receive punishment for their abusive actions.
He had already had a strong dislike for the Boyars due to their abusive actions toward him during his childhood.
This lack of insight and concomitant lack of empathy often leads us to replace feelings with action - sometimes abusive action.
Although the law does not recognize the existence of witchcraft, abusive actions committed while practicing a religion are illegal.
And if a state governor playing commander-in-chief can persuade the courts to rubber-stamp his abusive actions, surely a President can, too.
In a state of rule of law, industrial action, abusive or not, is no argument for or against privatisation.
That being said, and although I condemn Phillips' abusive actions, I cannot see how he will grow if he is excluded from football.
The Supreme Court is considering a case concerning the scope of that law, which has been used to hold American companies accountable for abusive actions abroad.