A combination of unusually warm winter weather and discoveries of abundant new reserves have depressed gas prices to the lowest level in 15 years.
But, in 1967, American drillers working for Texaco discovered that two miles beneath the jungle floor lay abundant reserves of crude oil.
Shortages of fuel: despite abundant reserves of coal, India is facing a severe shortage of coal.
India's has abundant domestic reserves of coal.
Small scale seasonal farming became widespread, and mines began to exploit abundant reserves of lead, copper, zinc, iron, and coal.
Made up primarily of methane, natural gas is extracted from abundant underground reserves.
A sovereign investment fund is an investment fund created or controlled by a government, usually of a country with trade surpluses and abundant foreign monetary reserves.
The discovery of abundant reserves of natural gas in Bass Strait shook up town gas production.
The settlers had here an abundant reserve of aquatic game.
An ambitious plan to deliver natural gas from Canada's abundant western reserves to six energy-hungry Northeastern states has pitted neighbor against neighbor.