And it persisted even where reviews by administrative judges found abundant proof of willful wrongdoing.
And the Jewish Museum's global collection of Hanukkah menorahs offers abundant proof.
There is abundant proof in the Old Testament that Jehovah is willful and cruel enough to assume the role of bad parent by himself.
"They are the truth, the veritable truth, my Rosannah, and you shall have the proof, ample and abundant proof!"
Of that, there is abundant proof.
Besides its aesthetic pleasures, this show provides abundant proof of that tradition's vivacity.
What he saw on the walkway was abundant proof that the priesthood truly did not seem to learn very fast.
The large and peaceful demonstrations calling for a more social Europe are abundant proof of that.
Every person on his list had vanished tracelessly and every present incumbent had abundant proof of innocence.
We know it's a cover for producing weapons grade nuclear material and now here is abundant proof of the dangers when it all goes wrong.