In these circumstances the energetically less favorable but more abundant prey would provide a more generalist diet.
With its open coastal water and abundant prey, the refuge plays a significant role as migration and wintering habitat for the federally protected bald eagle.
Highest rates of predation occur during the breeding season when eggs and helpless nestlings are abundant and easy prey for varied predators.
Jan Žižka defeated them and took the abundant prey they had conquered in Moravia.
Their hunting patterns, outside breeding periods and periods of abundant prey, have distinct crepuscular peaks, perhaps corresponding to mouse activity.
Yet now it stayed near shore, near familiar and abundant prey.
It was nearing shore and its more abundant prey.
Larger carnivores were essential to thin the ranks of the abundant prey.
Like the Racer, Gopher Snakes are also frequently found in agricultural areas, utilizing the abundant prey available.
Ledges, drop-offs, and clean, healthy seagrass beds yield abundant small prey such as crabs and shrimp.