It was an absurdly small outfit, with almost microscopic instruments.
Candido protests that a penny's worth is an absurdly small amount.
But the neck tapered to an absurdly small head with a stupid gaze, like a very dumb horse.
In relation to the starship itself, of course, the fueler was absurdly small.
That was the reason he discovered the absurdly small creature standing on the desk much too late.
And it's awkward: the flat is more relaxed than the formal areas, but not much; you have to reach it in an absurdly small lift.
The environmental agency can levy only absurdly small fines and collects less than 10 percent of them.
I think they must have been trained...' Martine looked down at the absurdly small figure on the concrete.
Anyway..." He put his absurdly small hand on my shoulder.
It is absurdly small. The need is hundreds of times greater.