Does anyone really want the Federal Government to launch another Reagan-like spree that will drive the deficit to absurd new heights?
In a country as densely packed as England, clashes between motorists and parking enforcement officials, called parking attendants here, have risen to absurd heights.
Here's the problem: Like most American shoppers, I've been doing my part to fuel the Dow to absurd heights.
His glistening compositions take optimistic beauty to absurd heights.
Baseball inspires some writers to absurd heights of pretension and religious metaphor.
AS satirists know, the language for describing wines can reach pretentious and even absurd heights.
But that decline came hard on the heels of the mid-1980s, when prices rose to absurd heights.
Villa Saverios takes the concept of 'Baja Med' to absurd heights.
Over the past few years, reggae's obsession with dancing has reached absurd new heights.
Not only East and West but much of the world militarized to absurd heights during the cold war.