The second room included Bourdin's early work: lean, geometrically abstracted landscapes and still lifes harking back to the work of photographers like Weston.
There were the starkly simplified, abstracted landscapes that came from the Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht during the second quarter of the 15th century.
In Paris, Leduc developed a friendship with the painter Jean Bazaine, whose art was then in the category of abstracted landscape.
After the painter's death in 1943, art critics began to view his talents differently, seeing Soutine's deliriously abstracted landscapes as his peak achievements.
Boxed in by wide strokes that simultaneously obliterate and emphasize the frame, interior parts read as broadly abstracted landscapes, sunsets or rooms.
Mr. James, an English critic, makes small, earnestly dour abstracted landscapes and still lifes that call to mind Matisse, Soutine and other early modernists.
Flipping back and forth between close-up and distant, it reminds us that Stout's bars of color form a receding abstracted landscape that is similarly ambiguous in scale.
Crammed with richly colored geometric patterns, abstracted landscapes and figures, they are both trippy and intimately sensuous.
A series of drawn and painted flowers on paper and a set of abstracted landscapes on canvas are entirely devoted to poetic elegance.
Within several years, Keyes' work shifted to abstracted landscapes.