Nearby are more abstract meditations on nature, some of them beautiful, others more expressive in orientation, by contemporary Long Island-based painters.
His pieces of the 1990s and beyond have been called "quiet abstract meditations" making references to the Bible, Buddhism, the natural landscape and Japanese calligraphy.
Dakshinamurthy is portrayed as being in the yogic state of abstract meditation - and as a powerful form brimming with ever flowing bliss and supreme joy.
Manduka is also a type of yoga - a "particular kind of abstract meditation in which an ascetic sits motionless like a frog".
Told in vintage photographs and newsreels, the film is a moody, abstract meditation on the mysterious relationship between photography and memory.
The distinctive feature of Vajrayana Buddhism is ritual, which is used as a substitute or alternative for the earlier abstract meditations.
He met Cobain once, but the film is more of an abstract meditation on the loss of the natural world than it is about the real suicidal rock star.
Such negations spring from great sadness, not from merely abstract meditations on history.
Ms. Moylan's partly abstract, partly representational meditations on global strife of the last two years are visually engaging and poetically affecting.
"Full Metal Jacket" - This movie is something else, which is sportswriter lingo meaning unique: an abstract meditation on humanity's passion for murdering itself.