Men often use absorbent products, such as pads or diapers, when other methods of treating incontinence have failed or cannot be used.
Some men may prefer to use absorbent products rather than taking medicines or having surgery.
They may also use absorbent products after surgery for prostate cancer, while they are waiting to see if their incontinence goes away.
Pulp and Paper - Produces newsprint, liquid packaging board and pulp used in absorbent products.
Wearing protective devices such as absorbent products, underwear, and adult diapers or using bed pads can also help manage urinary incontinence.
You prefer to use absorbent products rather than medications or surgery.
Other ways to manage incontinence include behavioral therapy, self-caterization, and the use of absorbent products.
I have seen a shredded-paper absorbent product, but again for bulk spills it is not supposed to be disposed in a landfill.
Incontinence pads and other absorbent products.
However, skin irritations may be a recurring problem if soiled or wet absorbent products have extended contact with the skin.