The costs to the surrounding countries have been considerable, as trade was disrupted and as they absorbed thousands of refugees.
The rapid pace of growth alarmed some people in the city, which was also absorbing thousands of new eastern and southern European immigrants.
Nevertheless, Andersen's rivals foresee a windfall, even though they cannot quickly absorb thousands of new clients.
A Boston businessman then installed a horse-rendering plant on the island, and for years it absorbed thousands of Boston's equine corpses.
In fact, Chase Manhattan and other financial service behemoths have absorbed thousands of recipients.
Making these plants safe could absorb thousands of Russian nuclear scientists who are now earning about $6 per month and might be tempted to sell their services elsewhere.
Public works projects in the 1930's eventually absorbed hundreds of thousands of displaced workers.
No one city would have been asked to absorb tens of thousands of people.
Throughout the century rice plantations continued to absorb thousands of new slaves, many of whom died within a year of arrival.
It is struggling to absorb hundreds of thousands of new arrivals from former Soviet territory who may change the country's character.