It can be a time-consuming process absorbing large resources of money and people, which many organizations do not have (or are unwilling to make available).
Because military spending absorbed scientific and technological resources, it contributed to the decline in the competitiveness of American products and, hence, a decline in the US ability to manage the world economy.
It can also absorb scarce resources that might otherwise be used for development.
The 44th remained a "paper organization" until 23 April 1967, when it returned to Korat absorbing the personnel, equipment and resources of the 421st TFS.
Upon activation the 388th absorbed the personnel and resources of the 6234th.
Attempts to reform the sector have traditionally faced strong political and social resistance in Mexico, where subsidies for residential consumers absorb substantial fiscal resources.
Because of this, many New Yorkers have no access to preventive and primary care services while vacant beds absorb scarce resources.
He argued that preserving languages could weaken national unity, encourage tribalism, and absorb scarce resources that might otherwise be used for development.
These new statutes have the capacity to absorb limited federal resources in the pursuit of what are, in many cases, state offenses dressed up as federal crimes.
These payments are considered to be exhaustive because they do not directly absorb resources or create output.