Corporations will also have to absorb greater expenses, putting pressure on profits and stock prices.
If a recoupment plan is in effect, the effect may be to require future shareholders to absorb expenses of the fund incurred during prior years.
Second, neighboring communities that are affected by traffic may have to hire additional personnel such as police officers, and absorb additional expenses, on roads, for example.
So it is not surprising that investors get the biggest breaks there, with roughly three-quarters of all bank funds absorbing expenses.
The fund absorbs expenses and reflects it by offering a higher yield.
It will also absorb certain other expenses, leaving the annual expense ratio unchanged at 2 percent.
They argue that such measures, though meant to benefit the poor, distort market forces and, as producers are forced to absorb increased expenses without compensation, lead to reductions in supply and investment that end up hurting not just the farmer or factory owner, but also the consumer.
ITS insurance plans absorb most dental expenses, and part-time workers are eligible for health insurance after just six months on the job, compared with two years at Wal-Mart.
He had done so on a friendly wager and offered to absorb expenses if Sullivan lost.
Auditors have refused to allow deductions in cases where employees chose to absorb personally expenses that are normally reimbursed by the company.