Here you are, absorbing the NI at around 14,000 words an hour.
For one, he has the kind of intellect that absorbs everything around him.
Absorbing the lessons of the artists around one continues the fine-tuning.
St. Clair was not painting at the time, but absorbed the artistic environment around her.
I tried to absorb so much around me that I was emotionally drained before it came time to play.
He noted that vegetation in a closed environment has a tendency to absorb noxious gases around it.
Preschoolers focus more on absorbing the world around them.
It made no sound, and even seemed to absorb the sounds around it, like a sponge soaking up water.
It has generally been found that people can only absorb around seven key ideas in any verbal presentation, no matter how well conveyed.
Sodium polyacrylate can absorb around 300 times its weight in distilled water.