Organizations can absorb only a small number of people with these work goals.
Despite absorbing a large number of extremely hard shots, Ouma did not go down.
After all, a person could absorb only a certain limited number of shocks in a lifetime.
"This Yeomanry seems to be absorbing a large number of the people who live here."
The first batch of 100 was completed in 1947 but the market could not absorb such a large number, despite the low price of £425.
And a revived economy would absorb a large number of them in real jobs.
In the 1970s and 80s it absorbed a number of different influences, including particularly rock and soul music.
But officials say the military can only absorb a limited number.
Moreover, they said, their economies could not absorb a large number of people returning.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, it has been absorbed a huge number of Jewish immigrants from Israel.