The signal-making, for all its elaborate effort, was absolutely pointless.
Edward J. Beck - 1 year 6 months ago Absolutely pointless.
You have made me feel that 35 years of support was absolutely pointless.
Most degrees are absolutely pointless (I would include English in that group) and could be done in half the time.
Toni could see an absolutely pointless search stretching out ahead of them.
It's absolutely pointless blaming anyone for this episode, there is human error in everything.
You don't have to be crude to be funny, it's absolutely pointless.
All this harassment, with people being urged to express their opinions, has been absolutely pointless.
It is absolutely pointless to exclude the European Parliament from that discussion.
"The whole thing's absolutely pointless," and then the fingers of her left hand, exploring the wall beside her, met not brick but wood.