In his speech, Elihu argues for God's power, redemptive salvation, and absolute rightness in all his conduct.
My mother is less convinced of any religion's absolute rightness, and so it was to her that I addressed my question about which of us they would have eaten.
It is witty without being too cute, and it has a sense of absolute rightness for Los Angeles at this moment.
I could see that you understood straight away, understood the absolute rightness of the proposal.
I see perfectly, and I realize the absolute rightness of what you have said.
Another deep breath, another flood of the absolute rightness of this woman, this moment.
He had a very young man's belief in the absolute rightness of his own cause and the absolute wrongncss of everyone else's.
If she felt surprise or awe, the emotions faded quickly into a sense of absolute rightness.
It has become almost a mania with me to impart an absolute rightness, a high elegance, to the execution of my affairs.
Tall and slightly round-shouldered, with his curly hair beginning to turn to silver, there could be little doubt of his utmost sincerity and belief in the absolute rightness of his conclusions.