Rest assured, sir, I can guide you to fascinating bargains, absolute novelties.
The absolute novelty also means that even the theoretical possibility of having unrestricted access to a certain information is regarded as rendering this information available to the public.
With the Third Amendment to the Patent Law, China now applies a standard of absolute novelty.
So, Ojeda delivered an absolute novelty tonight: a one-man shutout, the first for the Mets since he delivered one last Sept. 11 against the Montreal Expos.
This is in sharp contrast with Spanish patents for which absolute novelty is required.
Start, circa 1425, with the "absolute novelty" (so it says in the catalogue) of a gilded-bronze reliquary bust, housing a saint's skull, by Donatello.
Furthermore, according to the overwhelming majority of those attending the hearing, a grace period increases legal uncertainty by abandoning the principle of absolute novelty in favour of relative novelty.
I consider today 's question time to be an absolute novelty.
This was an absolute novelty at the time.
This is an absolute novelty, never before had a Western Heavy Metal band performed in Sri Lanka.