Even a half ton of bullets couldn't have riddled a human being into absolute nothingness, without leaving some trace of the victim.
Beyond that window lies no mere chasm, but absolute nothingness.
It wasn't a shielding, either-a shield either left an impression of a blank wall or of an absolute nothingness.
Theoretical problem: One cannot conceive absolute nothingness.
Creation-at-an-instant problem: We have no evidence in the history of the universe after the big bang that entities can emerge instantaneously from absolute nothingness.
Phoebe gently grasped Janeway's hand again, and led Kathryn into absolute nothingness.
A sphere of annihilation is a two-foot diameter black globe of absolute nothingness.
Only the basho of absolute nothingness is truly transcendent and universal.
For them there is only one kind of agony, the one immediately preceding the fall into absolute nothingness.
The total emptiness threatened to drag me down into absolute nothingness.