Certain disease states are defined by an absolute increase or decrease in the number of a particular type of cell in the bloodstream.
Nigeria accounts for the largest absolute increase, with the number of secondary students jumping from just 400,000 in 1970 to over 6 million in 2007.
This absolute increase has also been reflected in an increase in the percentage of total population accounted for by those aged 65 +.
The biggest absolute increase would be for summer jobs, adding $700 million to $683 million.
An absolute increase of more than 2C above pre-industrial levels will, said the report, lead to "rapid, unpredictable and non-linear responses".
While the rate of population growth is declining in the third world as a whole, populations are so large that absolute increases are greater than ever.
The only absolute increase has been in intermediate non-manual workers.
This policy allowed for absolute increases in emissions.
High on the Carter agenda was an absolute and relative increase in military expenditure.
Thus, he would adhere to the 1990 budget agreement, which prohibits absolute increases in spending.