Indeed, to demonstrate its absolute disregard for expense and efficiency, the Government has laid down not just one cable but two.
Applehead retorted at the full capacity of his lungs and with an absolute disregard for Luck's position as director of the company.
There are civilians everywhere, some of them mercenaries who would buy or sell anything with absolute reckless disregard for national security.
You have created your own order in absolute disregard for the lives of others.
"They have shown an absolute disregard for tenants," Ms. Powell said.
I know it was, but you threw yourself into it with an absolute disregard for surviving it.
It takes an absolute disregard for personal danger, almost a conscious desire for suicide.
"It's an absolute disregard for victimized children by the state to fund us in a way that keeps our caseloads so high," he says.
Scott estimated that 20 percent of Olympic-level athletes use drugs "with total and absolute disregard for their well-being."
The European Council has thus improperly and in absolute disregard for the subsidiarity principle, bypassed the democratic legitimacy of the constitutionally established regions.