The moment he adopted that position, Diego's fury evaporated, to be replaced by absolute calm.
It had but to abandon the surface of the waves, and it could find absolute calm a few score feet beneath.
The time had come for me to retreat into the absolute calm and peace of deepsleep if I didn't want to lose my reason.
The test for the shawl required channelling with absolute calm under great stress, and far worse than this had been done to her then.
His manner, like his face, was one of absolute calm.
Lee said again with absolute calm, "General, you must look to your Division."
Under the lea of the rock the wind dropped us, and we rolled in an absolute calm.
Now I'm really a goner, he reflected with absolute calm, without a sign of any emotion.
There is thus no opportunity to return to the absolute calm required to get the process up and running.
It's a moment of absolute calm and eerie mental acuity.