He's the real deal, the absolute antithesis to all that the likes of Simon Cowell stand for.
What's going on is the absolute antithesis of that.
Islam literally means peace through submission to the will of God and is the absolute antithesis for terrorism.
He was drawn like a moth to a candle to something which represented the absolute antithesis of his wise and conservative automobile philosophy.
The house, though primitive, is unfussy and charming, the absolute antithesis of, say, a Trump property.
It's a private moment when you get your heart broken for the first time, and that was the absolute antithesis of private.
You couldn't be any less than the absolute antithesis of neuter.
To Mannerheim, psychiatry represented the absolute antithesis of everything he stood for.
Her little boy was the innocent symbol of the human spirit, the absolute antithesis of machine cruelty and utter in humanity.
The is the absolute antithesis of democracy.