Her absence in Sydney could remove a hurdle from Marion Jones's attempt to win five gold medals.
The absence of distinct currencies also removes exchange rate risks.
But the absence of a competitive bidding stage removed discipline from the process.
On the one hand, my absences removed a lot of strain from the situation, but she honestly seemed to miss me when we were separated.
His absence will remove the management person who had developed the best relationship with the union.
The absence of air or other gases prevents heat transfer with the product through convection and removes a source of contamination.
The absence of all of those reporters, the players explained, removed the back-and-forth sniping that was rampant in the Yankees' clubhouse.
Although they were not buying, the absence of their selling removed a barrier to the rally.
Whether Mr. Feinstein's absence will remove a blot on labor's reputation is debatable.
The absence of a loud orchestra around him removes the worry about hearing loss, a common occupational hazard, and the playing requires less effort.