He looked considerably older, too, as if time had touched him in a way that a few months' absence could not explain.
The absence of television reporting of operations that do not have a substantial American involvement may at least in part explain this misperception.
He was supposed to be a savior, a player whose absence last season because of injuries could explain much of the Rangers' dreadful downfall.
The absence of a front tooth or two only partly explains matters.
Elliott's absence explained why the hotel clerk didn't recognize the Landry name or its outfit.
The absence of these factors might also explain the higher arrest rate of blacks in the lighter areas.
She should have gone on running until they could join up, not challenged this soon, but at least their absence explained her course.
Furthermore, the absence of potential energy in the "critical dimension" explains why flat spacetime solutions are possible.
The absence of hydrogen-bonding explains the low boiling temperature of tellurols.
Neelix's absence explained the dream she told herself firmly.