It has an abrupt slope, and is one of the most popular places of Basque Country.
The topography of the area is generally gently sloped with some abrupt slopes that are former beaches of Lake of the Woods.
It was an abrupt slope into darkness.
The ground angled suddenly upward, and he staggered as the abrupt slope surprised him.
Its uneven in this zone, on the northern slope abrupt, reached 20 Mr.
They had no choice but to continue straight ahead, tripping halfway down an increasingly abrupt slope.
The Finsteraarhorn alone stood out in bold relief, black against a white world, its abrupt slopes affording no foothold for the snow.
Of course, they tell you which street is where, but they do not - cannot - indicate the abrupt slopes, the sheer valleys, drops, ascents.
The Kermadec Trench is noted for its very abrupt slope.
On my right, I could see the abrupt slope that overlooked the Bronx.