Then came 9/11 and the Iraq war and the abrupt realization that the United States needed soft power as well as military might.
Vara Syndra was talking as she walked, and he came to the abrupt realization that he hadn't heard a word she said.
Picard noticed with regret Jeremiah's abrupt realization that he might not be able to trust one of the dearest people to his heart in the world.
Trema grimaced with abrupt realization.
He simply came to the abrupt realization that he was no longer outside the beleaguered building, looking in.
Morton nodded, his thoughtful mood interrupted by the abrupt realization that his fingers were shaking.
With abrupt realization, Jennsen paused in the middle of another drink.
Jonnie awoke in the middle of the night to the abrupt realization that he knew where a uranium detector existed.
Then she stopped, silenced by the abrupt realization that her health-sense was now entirely gone.
The change was comparatively easy but he came through it with the abrupt realization that he had done something perilously wrong.