A knee injury suffered in the 1928 Brisbane Test match brought his cricket career to an abrupt finish.
Then the floor closed upward above Harry's head, and his plunge came to an abrupt finish as he landed on a stony floor.
Such an abrupt finish could effectively mean that the Senate would not hear live testimony from any witnesses.
Wearied, still unsteady, Harry felt sure that he and his rescuer had reached the abrupt finish of a useless trail.
If all went well, crime in the making would come to an abrupt finish, with The Shadow's hand turning the balance against the cause of evil!
This call, like the other, had an abrupt finish.
Accidents always happen, and for all our weapons, we might easily meet some animal which would put an abrupt and tragic finish to our explorations.
The detective had dropped the receiver on the hook at the abrupt finish of his conversation with Joe Cardona.
The official brought the testimony to an abrupt finish.
I stared in disbelief at such an abrupt and seemingly meaningless finish to our quest.