Stunned by the abrupt fall, she'd naturally assumed she'd landed on the hard floor of a cavern.
Economists analyzing the flow of trade and investment are able to forecast the effects of Asia's abrupt fall with some precision.
In part because of Bundesbank's reduction of a key interest rate on Thursday, the dollar's abrupt fall tapered off today.
The door was pulled open and my eardrums popped with the abrupt fall in air pressure.
An abrupt fall in temperature, just the same as the chill I had experienced in the library the night before.
An abrupt fall in the dollar could lead to higher inflation and higher interest rates, creating potentially serious problems for Mr. Bush next year.
Almost inevitably, it seems, a late-night chase at a bridge ends with Gabriel's abrupt fall - or is it a jump?
Hussein also claimed that the abrupt fall in oil prices decreased Iraq's oil revenue by one billion dollars.
Subsequently, oil's abrupt fall compounded the damage by devastating that flimsy debt structure.
It could also expand, temporarily, if the dollar makes a further, abrupt fall.