This is music of floating atmosphere, sensuous aural refinement and sudden, abrupt bursts of drama.
It's an abrupt burst of laughter, obviously spontaneous because she cuts it off as rapidly as possible.
At Mansfield, no sounds of contention, no raised voice, no abrupt bursts, no tread of violence was ever heard.
There was an abrupt burst of brain activity going on, and the reason for it was not immediately clear.
Then, with an abrupt burst of energy, they disappeared.
O'Toole begins where other actors stop, with the unfocused gaze, the abrupt bursts of frenzied high spirits and precipitous depressions.
Some of the combinations she was now using on herself provided enormous amounts of oxygen to the brain in abrupt bursts.
Intrigued by the abrupt burst of temper, he watched her calmly, then took a slow sip of coffee.
Hailey left with an abrupt burst of energy.
Coming from such a well-rehearsed witness, this abrupt burst of spontaneity arrived with a false ring.