Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Even then his teddy-bear side showed, but so did the abrasive surface.
Alternatively, you can stretch your own choice of paper and put an abrasive surface on it yourself.
Something almost angelic danced on the abrasive surfaces of his face.
Five Flags is also well known for having an abrasive surface that quickly wears tires.
It is also common to pad all areas of the rigging which might come in contact with abrasive surfaces.
Soft fabric moving briefly across an abrasive surface.
Gravel is an abrasive surface; the road is littered with blown tires.
A rash had formed around the straps; he could feel the swelling and the rough, abrasive surface of his skin.
Fine sandpaper gives the pastel a fine abrasive surface area to grip to.
A person's own skin (or the skin of another person) may be sufficient to act as an abrasive surface to cause friction burn.
Related tools have been developed with abrasive surfaces, such as diamond abrasives or silicon carbide.
My flimsy sandals, adequate for treading garden paths, gave way all too quickly on the abrasive surface of the beach.
"It is an abrasive surface, and every time the battery is changed, the contacts should be cleaned with the eraser.
She ought to sharpen it for use as a weapon, but she wasn't sure there was a suitable abrasive surface in the citadel.
More commonly, friction with abrasive surfaces, including clothing, carpet, or rope, can lead to a friction burn.
Thus there was formed the unique fine-grained steady abrasive surface, which allowed to grind ones nails without any pain and damaging fingernails structure.
The surface changed from an abrasive surface which was renowned for being very hard on tyres to a grippy, smooth surface.
She was going over, Peter knew it, and he would be crushed under the metal roof and smeared along the abrasive surface of the macadam road.
They toiled upwards, clinging to the harsh abrasive surface with their fingertips, and the open drop below them seemed to steady O'wa.
The carbide tips and segments reduce wear encountered when the snowmobile must cross roads and other abrasive surfaces.
The abrasive surface of the Swiss nail file was formed by the means of laser engraving, thus they put cross-section fillets in two directions.
These types of jigs are usually used with a sharpening stone or plate, such as a waterstone, oilstone or diamond abrasive surface.
For example, old-style abrasive belts for metalworking must be replaced as soon as the abrasive surface is worn away.
(Stranded cable is expensive and wears quickly when dragged over runways or any other abrasive surface, making it uneconomical to use for car launching.)
Time was rolling over him like a huge millstone, a broad grey abrasive surface turning and turning just above him, crushing him smaller, wearing him away.