The first $1,000 deposited into these accounts earns an above-market rate of interest.
Some companies specialize in saving down-and-out homeowners from bankruptcy court by making first and second mortgages at above-market rates.
Choosing political grandstanding over sound economics does, however, ensure that states will pay above-market rates for services.
The loss of private agricultural and forest land has been or will be mitigated by the acquisition of private land at an above-market rate.
Those contracts locked TXU into buying power at above-market rates.
But, analysts say, paying above-market rates to attract deposits has never been a path to profits.
To ensure that banks use the facility only as a backup source of funds, Federal Reserve loans are usually made at an above-market rate.
(The company may offer lower, but still above-market, rates for six additional months.)
At that rate, the company would be paying an above-market rate of almost $41 a square foot.
Last year Mr. Welch earned $314,961 in interest at above-market rates on salary that he has deferred since 1987.