Still, the Dow remained above the 3,000 mark and ended 33.76 points higher than when the week began.
Its share price, which this time last year was above the 120p mark, fell below 40p at one stage, since recovering to 80.5p early yesterday.
The boat was pulled up just above the high-water mark.
He had 129 hits on the year in 521 at bats, bringing his career hit total above the 1,000 mark.
They were all above the red mark now but did not exactly match.
The victory gave the Devils 101 points, putting them above the 100-point mark for the second consecutive season.
As a result, building activity remained above the 1.8-million-unit mark for the second consecutive month.
The total value of their direct investments, including equities, is above the $17 billion mark.
However, the price index for fuels and energy was still 5.3 percent above the mark a year earlier.
A few minutes later, the temperature climbs to above the freezing mark.