The wind in a blizzard must stay above 35 miles per hour for three hours straight.
But if the wind rises above 15 to 20 miles an hour, the action of waves makes them ineffective.
They, too, are rendered ineffective in winds above 15 to 20 miles an hour.
But my route was accident-free, possibly because I didn't get above 10 miles an hour for the rest of the morning.
"How many buses are going to get up consistently above 50 miles an hour without shaking and falling apart?"
Both L-29s consistently posted laps at or above 500 miles per hour.
Soon the vehicles were traveling at speeds above 30 miles an hour.
Note that unlike the tax rules, there is no difference in the rate for cars and vans above 10,000 miles.
I can't get it above five hundred miles an hour.
Category 5 hurricanes, with winds above 155 miles an hour, are the strongest.