Gives information about workshops offered nationwide about complying with federal truth-in-advertising laws.
With all this, many outplacement executives are still ambivalent about separate programs or workshops for women.
McMillan also recommends asking about recent workshops or conferences your fitness pro has attended to make sure they're staying current in the field.
Be sure to ask about workshops and services that the ERC can provide for your grade level.
Call (212) 220-8720 for reservations or more information about the symposium or workshops.
To find information about workshops under specific topics, visit our Interest Areas page.
For more information about workshops and additional performances, or to order tickets priced from $5 to $15 call (860) 685-3355.
These organizations can provide information about outdoor workshops, outings and lectures.
As their reputation grew, they began to get inquiries about corporate workshops.
Forget about all those readings and workshops.