I've heard about variations like this, but I've never seen anything quite like it before.
Life is all about color, about variations, not about absolutes.
Even the traditionalists can't argue too much about variations on "Cinderella."
It is extremely difficult to write books on the openings these days, or even to give off-the-cuff advice to average players about current variations.
Like curry, there is a constant debate about the 'best' recipe and numerous variations are available on the market.
We choose not to disturb it, but to caution readers readers about some errors or variations in the story.
I am a little insecure about male variations.
During the 1950s and 1960s information about variations in the Earth's magnetic field was gathered largely by means of research vessels.
Whenever one of these dishes made an appearance, a huge portion would be set before me while arguments raged about variations on the recipe.
In biology, reference collections, such as herbaria are an important sort of information about variations of populations within a species.