While in prison, he taught job skills to about 50 inmates.
Both contained about 10,000 inmates used in the mine and construction works.
It is currently a close security prison which houses about 1,100 male inmates.
When the units arrived, they found about 1,000 inmates dead in the camp.
About 50 inmates, most of them black or Hispanic men, had come voluntarily to hear him.
There are about 13,750 inmates in the city system on an average day.
Built to house about 100,000 inmates, the nation's prison system now holds more than 170,000.
We sentence about 250 inmates to death every year but have never executed more than 40.
About 3,000 inmates, in fact, have been sent to halfway houses or are living with their families.
There are seven prisons in the area, housing about 13,400 inmates.