That leaves about 500 delegates who are still undecided, and whose views have so far been ignored.
The gathering was attended by about 50 delegates from 11 of the state's 99 counties.
It also organises a major conference every three years; these conferences generally attract about 300 to 400 delegates from Europe and elsewhere.
Those caucuses will elect about 1,800 delegates to the state party convention to be held Jan. 29-30.
The conference is expected to draw about 2,000 delegates from 114 legislatures from around the world.
It was attended by about 100 delegates, the majority of whom stood in opposition to the standing Executive Committee of the party.
The Student Senate is made up of about 50 delegates from the university's 21 campuses.
The five day meeting saw about 400 delegates at the Hotel Cecil in London.
Several times he mentioned that the convention, where he will have about 1,200 delegates, is a moment of maximum influence for him.
A party congress is supposed to be held every five years, bringing together about 2,000 delegates to determine national policy and choose a new Central Committee.