He fell, his arms looped about her thighs.
There was something about a man's strong, well-shaped thighs that excited me.
Until then, it had not occurred to her that there might be something shameful or dangerous about her skinny little thighs.
He pulls back the skin of his prick and jabs about her thighs.
She listened, nodded her head and began to tell me about her fat thighs.
Jamie sat up then, arms folded tight about his thighs, and turned away as he gazed out over the peaceful valley.
"As if you have to worry about your thighs!"
Every woman in the world has to worry about her thighs, honey.
It fell haphazardly about her thighs, and she made no effort to smooth it.
Now he turned back into the room, the hot tide eddying about his thighs, and sought out the fountain- head.